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41 items found for ""

  • Yama | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners)

    Yama The imp "Yama" is the partner of the Fuma ninja "Ibuki." In CNP, it transforms into 36 different forms. Yama was unveiled before his master, Ninja Ibuki. Characters of CryptoNinja Ibuki & Yana

  • CNP Toys フリーミント第3弾 | CNP Official Site

    CNP Toys Free Mint 「CNP Toys」完売の感謝を込めて、LINE NFTで3週間連続のフリーミントイベントを開催中。受け取りまでの操作がカンタンで、ガス代(手数料)も無料。各回22,222点、合計66,666点のNFTをご用意していますので、ぜひご家族・ご友人と一緒にお楽しみください! 無料でNFTを受け取る ガス代も無料。 22,222点のフリーミントを楽しもう! 第3回は4/15(土)正午から。 8種類のうち、1点を受け取れます。 第3回のフリーミントは、4月15日(土)お昼12時にスタート。キャラクターは小鬼の「ヤーマ」・幽霊 の「ミタマ 」の2種類で、背景のカラーバリエーションはそれぞれ4種類ご用意しています。 期間中にお一人さま1点を受け取ることができ、デザインはランダムです。 手にしたNFTは、プロフィール画像(※)に設定したり、お友だちにプレゼントしたり、交換したりと、楽しみ方もさまざま。 受け取り期間終了後は、LINE NFTのマーケットに出品・販売することもできます。 ​ ​※プロフィールNFTではないため、LINE NFTのアイコンとしてはご利用いただけません。LINEや他のSNSのアイコンとしてご利用いただく場合は、 画像をダウンロードしていただく必要があります。 NFT受け取りに関わる注意事項 受け取り方法 CNP Toys FreeMint part3(以下本NFT)の受け取り期間は2023年4月15日~2023年4月21日23:59までとなります。 上記URLよりアクセス後、NFTが付与されます。 受け取り条件 受け取りにあたりLINEアプリ(日本国内の電話番号でLINEアカウント登録をしていること)が必要です。 LINEの個人アカウントをお持ちであること、LINE NFTおよびDOSI Walletのアカウント開設が必要となります。 iOSとAndroidOSで最新版のLINEアプリがダウンロードされており、インターネットに接続できるスマートフォンからのご応募が必要です。 付与されるNFTについて 本NFTは受け取り期間終了後の2023年4月22日00:00以降、LINE NFTのマーケット内で2次流通に出品することが可能です。 本NFTは他のユーザーに送付することが可能です。 (※送付した場合は、自分のウォレットからNFTが消え、送付先のウォレットにNFTが移りますのでご注意ください。) 注意事項 下記をお読みいただき、ご同意いただける場合のみNFTをお受け取りください。 インターネット接続料及び通信料はお客さまのご負担となります。 通信の際の接続トラブルにつきましては、責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。 一部の機種・環境ではご応募いただけない場合がございます。 不正な処理を行わせるプログラム等でのご応募は無効とさせていただきます。 当サイトの利用によるいかなるトラブル・損害(直接、間接の損害別を問わず)が発生したとしてもLINE Xenesis(株)は一切の責任を負いかねます。あらかじめご了承ください。 やむを得ない事情により中止または内容が変更となる場合がございますので、予めご了承ください。 NFTは、予告無く内容・仕様が変更になる場合があります。 本NFTに係る著作権を含む知的財産権はお客さまに移転しません。 本NFTにつき、複製、転載、改変等の行為をしてはなりません。 お客さまの本NFTに対する上記利用権は、理由を問わず、LINEアカウントおよびDOSI Walletアカウントが削除された時点で消滅します。 誤ってアカウントを削除した場合、アカウントの復旧はできません。 無料でNFTを受け取る 配布スケジュール 第1回 3/31(金)〜4/7(金) ルナ4種・オロチ4種 22,222点 ​終了しました 第2回 4/8(土)〜4/14(金) リーリー4種・ナルカミ4種 22,222点 ​終了しました 第3回 4/15(土)〜4/21(金) ヤーマ4種・ミタマ4種 22,222点 CNP LINE公式アカウント CNPのLINE公式アカウントでは、新キャラクター・オオカミの「マカミ」とAIチャットでおしゃべりができます。LINEで「友だち」になって、話しかけてみてください。 ご家族やお友達にもこのページを共有して、一緒にお楽しみください! Twitter ・LINE公式アカウント でも情報を発信しています。

  • 検索結果 | CNP Official Site

    36 items found for "" Makimono | CNP Official Site MAKIMONO FREE MINT Our first free mint event has ended. Please wait for further information. OpenSea 1. Ninja Yashiki Burn multiple red scrolls, and you will receive "Ninja Yashiki" in the metaverse Rium . You can enjoy Ninja Yashiki by decorating your favorite CNP, gathering with friends, and more. 2. Mixing colors We will also distribute blue and yellow scrolls later. By mixing these scrolls, it becomes purple, green, and orange. ​ Further synthesizing can also result in black and rainbow-colored scrolls. Burn or hold, it's up to you! 3.Spirit Evolution In the future, you can also enjoy "Spirit evolution" using CNPs and particular scrolls. The image shown is a rough sketch of what it would look like if Orochi evolved into "Yamata-no-Orochi." THREE WAYS TO ENJOY Mint, Burn, or hold! Whether you have CNP or not, the Ninja Scroll is an NFT everyone can enjoy. ABOUT US White Paper About CryptoNinja Partners (CNP) is a collection of 22,222 generative profile picture NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Business Model CNP is a fanart project starring sub-characters of the CryptoNinja collection based on a royalty-free business model. Roadmap Various utilities including an NFT exchange mechanism (BurNin' ) have been implemented. Team CNP holders are invited to join discussions for the future development of the collection. CNP Toys フリーミント | CNP Official Site CNP Toys Free Mint 「CNP Toys」完売の感謝を込めて、LINE NFTで3週間連続のフリーミントイベントを開催します。受け取りまでの操作がカンタンで、ガス代(手数料)も無料。各回22,222点、合計66,666点のNFTをご用意していますので、ぜひご家族・ご友人と一緒にお楽しみください! 無料でNFTを受け取る ガス代も無料。 22,222点×3回のフリーミントを楽しもう! 第1回は3/31(金)正午から。 8種類のうち、1点を受け取れます。 第1回のフリーミントは、3月31日(金)お昼12時にスタート。キャラクターはウサギの「ルナ」、白蛇の「オロチ」の2種類で、背景のカラーバリエーションはそれぞれ4種類ご用意しています。 期間中にお一人さま1点を受け取ることができ、デザインはランダム。3回のフリーミントに参加すると、3点のNFTがもらえることになります。 手にしたNFTは、プロフィール画像(※)に設定したり、お友だちにプレゼントしたり、交換したりと、楽しみ方もさまざま。 受け取り期間終了後は、LINE NFTのマーケットに出品・販売することもできます。 ​ ​※プロフィールNFTではないため、LINE NFTのアイコンとしてはご利用いただけません。LINEや他のSNSのアイコンとしてご利用いただく場合は、 画像をダウンロードしていただく必要があります。 NFT受け取りに関わる注意事項 受け取り方法 CNP Toys FreeMint part1(以下本NFT)の受け取り期間は2023年3月31日~2023年4月7日23:59までとなります。 上記URLよりアクセス後、NFTが付与されます。 受け取り条件 受け取りにあたりLINEアプリ(日本国内の電話番号でLINEアカウント登録をしていること)が必要です。 LINEの個人アカウントをお持ちであること、LINE NFTおよびDOSI Walletのアカウント開設が必要となります。 iOSとAndroidOSで最新版のLINEアプリがダウンロードされており、インターネットに接続できるスマートフォンからのご応募が必要です。 付与されるNFTについて 本NFTは受け取り期間終了後の2023年4月8日00:00以降、LINE NFTのマーケット内で2次流通に出品することが可能です。 本NFTは他のユーザーに送付することが可能です。 (※送付した場合は、自分のウォレットからNFTが消え、送付先のウォレットにNFTが移りますのでご注意ください。) 注意事項 下記をお読みいただき、ご同意いただける場合のみNFTをお受け取りください。 インターネット接続料及び通信料はお客さまのご負担となります。 通信の際の接続トラブルにつきましては、責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。 一部の機種・環境ではご応募いただけない場合がございます。 不正な処理を行わせるプログラム等でのご応募は無効とさせていただきます。 当サイトの利用によるいかなるトラブル・損害(直接、間接の損害別を問わず)が発生したとしてもLINE Xenesis(株)は一切の責任を負いかねます。あらかじめご了承ください。 やむを得ない事情により中止または内容が変更となる場合がございますので、予めご了承ください。 NFTは、予告無く内容・仕様が変更になる場合があります。 本NFTに係る著作権を含む知的財産権はお客さまに移転しません。 本NFTにつき、複製、転載、改変等の行為をしてはなりません。 お客さまの本NFTに対する上記利用権は、理由を問わず、LINEアカウントおよびDOSI Walletアカウントが削除された時点で消滅します。 誤ってアカウントを削除した場合、アカウントの復旧はできません。 無料でNFTを受け取る 配布スケジュール 第1回 3/31(金)〜4/7(金) ルナ4種・オロチ4種 22,222点 第2回 4/8(土)〜4/14(金) リーリー4種・ナルカミ4種 22,222点 第3回 4/15(土)〜4/21(金) ヤーマ4種・ミタマ4種 22,222点 CNP LINE公式アカウント 第2回(4/8〜)、第3回(4/15〜)のミントサイトURLは、CNPのLINE公式アカウントでご案内します。ぜひ、「友だち」になってお待ちください。 ご家族やお友達にもこのページを共有して、一緒にお楽しみください! Twitter ・LINE公式アカウント でも情報を発信しています。 配信停止フォーム | CNP Official Site ニュースレター配信停止フォーム Email* 配信を停止する Submit Terms and Conditions | CNP Official Site Bucket Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") provides incentives (hereinafter referred to as "Incentives") and CNP Points (hereinafter referred to as "Points") as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, which can be exchanged for services, rights, and products, to users of the smartphone app "CNP Friends" (hereinafter referred to as "the App") and related websites (hereinafter referred to as "Users") in connection with the NFT project "CryptoNinja Partners." The provision of services related to Incentives and Points is collectively referred to as "the Services" and is provided under the following conditions. Please update the browser and always confirm the latest information, as the Services may be changed without notice, and additional provisions may be added occasionally. Points and the Services In the Services, Points are displayed as "CNP Points" in the NFT project "CryptoNinja Partners" operated by the Company, and these Terms and Conditions govern the use of Points. Acquisition of Points Users can acquire Points by fulfilling specific requirements in programs within the App. Terms of Use for Points Users must comply with these Terms and Conditions and other Japanese laws and regulations, including validity periods, usage methods, and precautions when using Points. Points can only be claimed for use with the Company and Incentive providers and cannot be exchanged for cash or circulated for profit purposes. The Company does not guarantee that Points can be used at specific dates and times Users desire. The falsification of Points by Users and data tampering and preparation for such activities are strictly prohibited. Only the Users can use these points, and they cannot be transferred, lent, or provided as collateral to any third party other than the Users themselves. The points cannot be used for any purpose other than their intended use by the Users. Points that have not been added or used for one year will expire. 4. Expiration of Points Regardless of the use of Points mentioned in the previous paragraph, Points in the Services will expire within three years from the date of issuance. Users must use Points within three years. 5. Revocation and Annulment of Points (1) We reserve the right to revoke all or part of the Points held by the Users without prior notice if we determine that any of the following situations apply: If Users has breached or is likely to breach these Terms of Use. If the Company deems that Users has engaged or may engage in fraudulent activities, including but not limited to providing false information to the Company, incentive providers, or other third parties or manipulating step counts without actually walking. If the NFT project "CryptoNinja Partners" comes to an end. If the Point Service is terminated due to the cessation of services related to various benefits the Company provides. In any other case not mentioned above, when the Company reasonably determines that it is appropriate to revoke the Points provided to Users within the Service. (2) If Points are revoked, any Incentives obtained using the revoked Points will also be deemed invalid. Users must immediately restore the Incentives and Services acquired using those Points to their pre-acquisition state. (3) Even if Users cancel or terminate a contract related to Incentives, such as returning a product after using Points, the Company will not refund or reissue the corresponding Points to the User. (4) The Company shall not provide compensation for the content of the revoked Points, nor shall it bear any responsibility for transactions related to Incentives conducted using the Points. 6. Disclaimer (1) The Company does not guarantee that products, services, information, Etc., obtained through the Services will meet Users' expectations, and Users shall use the Services at their own risk, judging the usefulness of the products and services provided in the Services. (2) The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Users in connection with the use of the Services or changes, termination, or suspension of the Services. 7. Changes, Termination, Etc. of the Services The Company may change, terminate, or suspend all or part of the Services and the content of the Services, as well as these Terms and Conditions, without prior notice to Users. Date: April 11, 2023 Bucket Inc. CNP Points and Services Terms and Conditions 企業スポンサー募集 | CNP Official Site CNP SPONSORSHIP CNP法人スポンサー募集中 Web3時代のIP「CNP」では、コミュニティの「パートナー」となる法人スポンサーを募集しています。 具体的には、運営会社保有のCNPを一度に10体以上、またはNFTマーケットプレイスから一度に20体以上購入(※)いただいた企業様を「CNP法人スポンサー」とし、CNP公式サイトにロゴを掲載。約5,000名のホルダーコミュニティを通じて、貴社ブランドの認知を高めていただくことができます。 なお、運営会社保有のCNPを購入いただく企業様には「日本円・請求書払い」のサービスをご用意していますので、暗号資産(仮想通貨)をご準備いただく必要はありません。 また、安心して保有いただけるよう、購入後のNFTをロックすること(売買・転送を禁止する手続き / 契約時のご要望による)が可能です。企業様とCNP、双方の強みを活かせる取り組み等もご提案いたしますので、まずはお気軽にお問い合わせください。 ※2024年4月8日より、新たに「プロジェクトへの日本円での協賛(CNP10体相当)」でもご参加いただけるようになりました。詳細はおお問い合わせください(CNP、Web3コミュニティによるマーケティング/プロモーション支援を提供開始 / PR TIMES ) ※NFTマーケットプレイス( Magic Edenなど) から購入いただく場合、「一度の購入」とは、原則として1体目の購入から3時間以内に行われた取引を総称するものとします。 ※NFTマーケットプレイスで購入いただいた場合は、スポンサーになるための審査がございます。お手数ですが、事前にお問い合わせください。 ※企業様の取り扱い商品・サービスなどにより、ロゴを掲載できない場合があります。お手数ですが、事前にお問合せください。 お問い合わせ Web3コミュニティの 「パートナー」に CNP BY THE NUMBERS 数字で見るCNP 20,000名 NinjaDAO参加者数 22,222点 NFT発行数 5,300名 ホルダー数(保有ウォレット数) 26,900回 総取引数 43億円 流通総額 / 13,500ETHを突破 38億円 時価総額(フロアプライス×発行数) 2.9万人 X(Twitter)フォロワー数 / 日本語版 16万人 X(Twitter)フォロワー数 / 英語版 72万人 運営個人アカウント総フォロワー数 400名 音声配信視聴者数 / 日 ​ファウンダーによるXスペース 3,000名 ポップアップショップ集客数 / 1週間 ​2023年6月・ラフォーレ原宿 1位 App Store / 無料ファミリーゲーム 「CNP​バーニンウォーズ」リリース時 お問い合わせ スポンサー企業様の特典 国内外から2万人が参加するWeb3コミュニティ「NinjaDAO」の、CNPホルダー限定チャンネルにご招待。コミュニティでのアカウントには、企業スポンサーであることが一目で分かる専用ロールが付与されます。 最先端のWeb3コミュニティへ 情報感度の高いCNPホルダー(約5,000名)からの認知を高められるだけでなく、Web3と親和性の高い企業としての好感度・信頼度を高めることで、Web3コミュニティから「自然と応援される」ブランドに。 好感認知で、応援されるブランドに CNPが運営するDiscordサーバーに、企業スポンサー 限定のチャンネルをご用意。キャラクターのグッズ化など、CNPとのライセンス契約締結をご検討の際には、特別条件をご提示いたします。 ​ライセンス契約条件の優待あり たとえばCNPとコラボレーションしたセミナーの共同開催など、スポンサー企業様とCNP(運営会社:株式会社バケット)双方の強みを活かすことのできる取り組みを検討・ご提案いたします。 強みを活かせる取り組みをご提案 CNP | CryptoNinja Partners PROJECTS NFTs CNP is an NFT collection produced as a spin-off of CryptoNinja . We released 22,222 pieces on May 15, 2022. The trading volume has surpassed 10,000 ETH as of March 2023. -Generative NFT- concept Smartphone app CNP Friends is a communication application exclusively for CNP owners. You can also enjoy accumulating points by walking. Download it from the "Office-Generative" channel in NinjaDAO, available only to CNP owners. -CNP Friends- Campaigns Smartphone game A flirty line defense game featuring characters from CNP. Collect and raise these unique characters and battle them! Anyone can enjoy the game in their spare time. -CNP BurNin' Wars- CNP BurNin' Wars Owner benefits Restaurants and online stores, mainly in Japan, offer special services to CNP owners. Present your CNP to receive discounts and other special offers. -CNP Owners- CNP Owners ​ Hometown tax return gift CNP collaborates with local governments by releasing special regional NFTs. We are receiving interest from more municipalities. -Furusato CNP- Press release Metaverse We are developing "CNP Land" in Sandbox and “Kirigakure no Sato” in Rium. We plan to hold CN/CNP-related events there. -The Sandbox & Rium- Discord LINE NFT Two brands, "CNP Toys" and "CNP Villains," have been developed as official derivative projects of CNP. They can be purchased on LINE NFT, a platform developed by LINE, which has 93 million users in Japan. -CNP Toys / CNP Villains- Discord LINE NFT Two brands, "CNP Toys" and "CNP Villains," have been developed as official derivative projects of CNP. They can be purchased on LINE NFT, a platform developed by LINE, which has 93 million users in Japan. -CNP Toys / CNP Villains- Discord Corporate services An exclusive service for Japanese corporates to purchase CNP with Yen invoice payments. Japanese Yen/Bill Payment request form Free illustration website Free for commercial use, no registration required! Download CNP character illustrations for free. We offer a variety of easy-to-use illustrations for seasons, events, and everyday life. -Sozaiya CNP- Sozaiya CNP CNP business development CNP started by issuing 22,222 generative NFTs. We are working on business development beyond the boundaries of NFTs, including a smartphone app, smartphone game, and collaboration projects with Softbank Group and some regional governments in Japan. For the latest information, please check CNP's official Twitter account . Welcome to the exciting world of Ninja! We welcome all CNP holders to get involved with our projects as "partners" rather than just as fans. Join us in our challenge of creating a new Web3-style IP! Magic Eden Rarible NFTGo Narukami | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners) Narukami Narukami, the hawk, is the partner of the Iga ninja Hayate. In CNP, Narukami transforms into 72 different forms. We have also released a manga featuring 'Narukami' as the main character. Characters of CryptoNinja Hayate & Narukami CNP Villains | CNP Official Site CNP Toys 2023年1月、LINE NFTからCNP公式コレクション「CNP Toys」が登場します。フィギュアのように見えますが、実は細部まで精巧にデザインされた電子データ(画像)。 購入したNFTは、LINEのプロフィール画像に設定することが可能です。 一次販売は、ALなしの早押しのみ。日本円でカンタンに購入できますが、LINE Payの本人確認審査に数日かかることもあるため、事前に準備しておくのがオススメです。 早押しに備えて準備する CNP Toys 第一弾 発売日時:2023年1月21日(土)正午 販売方法:ランダムガチャ 販売場所:LINE NFT 価格:2,000円 販売数:1,111点​ ​(総販売数:2,222点) ​※リーリー、ミタマ、オロチの3キャラクターの販売です。 ​※画像はサンプルです。 ※販売期間は2月22日の正午まで。販売期間が終了、または完売後に二次販売ができるようになります。 LINE NFT CNP Villainsグッズサイト Shop Now CNP Toys 第二弾 発売日時:2023年2月22日(水)正午 販売方法:ランダムガチャ 販売場所:LINE NFT 価格:未定 販売数:1,111点​ (総販売数:2,222点) ​※ナルカミ、ルナ、ヤーマの3キャラクターの販売です。 ※画像はサンプルです。 LINE NFT LINE NFTアカウントを開設 CNP Toys 第一弾 LINE NFT LINEユーザーならカンタン! LINE Pay登録・本人確認 ①LINEアプリ右下「ウォレット」→「LINE Payをはじめる」 ​ ②規約に同意→「新規登録」→パスワードを設定。 ​ ③本人確認を済ませ、日本円をチャージしておきます。 LINE Pay 発売日時:2023年2月22日(水)正午 販売方法:ランダムガチャ 販売場所:LINE NFT 価格:未定 販売数:1,111点​ (総販売数:2,222点) ​※ナルカミ、ルナ、ヤーマの3キャラクターの販売です。 ※画像はサンプルです。 ウォレットの準備 参入がしやすいLINE NFTです。ぜひ家族や友達を誘って一緒に楽しんでいただけたらと思います。 身近にもっと、CNPを! DOSI WALLET NFTを管理するウォレットです CNP Toysを買う前に CNP Toysは「LINE NFT」のみで売買できるNFTコレクション。一次販売での決済方法は「LINE Pay(日本円)」のみですので、事前にLINE Payの本人確認、日本円の入金を済ませておきましょう。 ※LINE NFTで購入したNFTを出品する際には、LINE独自の暗号資産「LINK」による決済も選択できます(LINEの暗号資産取引サービス「LINE BITMAX」の口座開設・本人確認が必要となります)。 詳しくはLINE公式ブログ をご確認ください。 最新情報はCNP Villains 公式Twitterアカウント のほか、LINE 、Discord でも発信しています。 LINE オープンチャット Team フォン CNP Villains founder たろっぴ CNP Villains アーティスト たろっぴ CNP Villains アーティスト CNP Villainsグッズサイト Shop Now 資料ダウンロード | CNP Official Site ダウンロード こちらからCNPの資料をダウンロードしていただけます。 CNPってなんですか? 1 MB 数字で見るCNP 262 KB CNPスタイルガイド 3.2 MB Terms and Conditions | CNP Official Site Application Terms of Use Bucket Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") hereby establishes the following Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") for the service "CNP BurNin' Wars" (hereinafter referred to as the "Application") operated and provided by the Company. Article 1 About this Agreement 1. By installing or using the Application, the customer agrees to accept and abide by these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy ( ) after confirming the contents of these Terms and Conditions. The Application is only licensed to you and not sold to you. 2. We may change these Terms of Use at any time without prior approval of the customer, and the customer agrees to such changes. Changes to this Agreement shall become effective when publicly posted on the official website, etc. to which you can access from this application. We will notify you of the fact that this Agreement has been changed on the official website of this application, etc. for a period of time that we deem reasonable as a period of advance notice of this Agreement. By using the Application after the change of the Terms of Use, you will be deemed to have agreed to the change of the Terms of Use. These Terms shall automatically apply to any revised and updated versions of the Application that are replaced or supplemented by revised and updated versions that are released in the future and made available to you (in these Terms, "the Application" shall include such revised and updated versions). (2) The Company shall not be liable for any damages arising out of the use of this Application. In addition, in the event that a company with which we have partnered or commissioned this Application posts separate terms of use or equivalent regulations, you shall comply with such terms of use as well as this Agreement. If the use of the Application involves the use of a third party's rights, and the third party requires you to comply with the terms of use, etc. established by the third party, you shall comply with such terms of use, etc. in the use of the Application. The Company may post individual or additional provisions regarding these Terms of Use in a manner designated by the Company in the description posted on the application download site or on the official website of the Application. However, in the event of a conflict between the individual and additional provisions and this Agreement, the individual and additional provisions shall take precedence to the extent of such conflict. Article 2 License Conditions 1. We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to install and use the Application for non-commercial purposes on a single mobile device only, solely for you, as provided in these Terms of Use. Your acquisition of the right is subject to your compliance with these Terms and Conditions. Any commercial use of the Application is prohibited. You are strictly prohibited from sublicensing, renting, leasing, assigning, or otherwise distributing this Application or the right to use it. The term of the Agreement with you begins on the date you install or use the Application and ends on the date you destroy the Application or we terminate this Agreement, whichever occurs first. If you attempt to circumvent any technical protection or technical limitation measures of the App, your right to use will terminate immediately. If you lose your right to use this Application for any reason, you agree in advance that all services or content related to this Application will also cease to be available at the same time. 2. You acquire the right to use the Application, and your right to use the Application shall be subject to the restrictions of this Agreement. Except for the rights expressly granted to you in this Agreement, we own all right, title and interest in and to the Application (including, without limitation, all characters, story lines, images, photographs, animation, video, music and text in the Application). ), and all related copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights. We also reserve all rights not expressly granted herein. 3. Your right to use this Application is limited to the license granted above, and you may not reproduce, display, distribute, perform, publish, modify, use, disable, or create derivative works of this Application or any part thereof, except as expressly permitted in these Terms, without our express permission. However, the Company shall not be held liable for any damages arising out of the use of the Application or any part thereof. However, we may allow secondary use of the characters in this application within a certain scope, provided that you follow the guidelines that we separately stipulate. You are prohibited from making copies of this application available on a network for use by more than one customer without our express permission. The rights granted to you hereunder are limited to the intellectual property rights owned by the Company and its licensors in and to the Application, and do not include any grant of rights to any other patents or intellectual property. Except as permitted by law, you shall not decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer this Application or any portion thereof. You shall not use any product identification, copyright or other intellectual property right notices (including, but not limited to, trademark or logo notices) in connection with this Application, or any other notices made by us on this Application. You shall not remove, alter, or render illegible any product identification markings, copyright or other intellectual property right markings (including, but not limited to, trademark or logo markings) and any other markings made by the Company on the Application. 4. You will provide the equipment, internet connection, mobile device, and service plan to access and use this Application at your own expense. The Company does not warrant that this Application will be accessible from all wireless devices or wireless service plans, or that any service provided by wireless carriers will be uninterrupted or flawless. We also do not warrant that this Application will be available in all geographic areas. You understand that when you use the Application, you will be billed by your wireless carrier for data, messaging, and other wireless access charges. Please check with your wireless carrier for the charges applicable to you. Please note that you are responsible for all costs associated with accessing the Application from your mobile device. 5. If expressly permitted in the App or on the App Official Site, you may not make any contributions (including any ideas or creations) to the App. The same shall apply hereinafter). (This includes any and all ideas or creations. In addition, your contribution using this application may not infringe any copyright or other intellectual property rights (including the right to license intellectual property rights; the same applies below). The same shall apply hereinafter). You hereby grant us an exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, fully transferable, sublicensable, worldwide right and license to use such contribution in any manner and for any purpose in connection with the Application, even if such contribution results in the infringement of any copyright or other intellectual property right (including the right to license intellectual property rights; the same shall apply hereinafter) of any third party. You agree to reproduce, adapt, and distribute the Contributions in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. This includes the right to reproduce, adapt, modify, perform, display, publish, broadcast, record, screen, distribute, publicly transmit, and otherwise communicate and distribute your Contribution to the public by any means, whether now known or later, for the entire term of protection granted to intellectual property rights by law and treaty You agree that no notice or indemnification is required, and you expressly waive any such notice or indemnification even if required by law, for the entire period of protection granted to intellectual property rights by law and treaty. You agree not to waive or exercise any moral rights or other moral rights to the use and enjoyment of your Contribution by us and other players with respect to the Application. This grant of license to us and the above waiver or agreement not to exercise any moral rights or other moral rights shall survive the termination of this Agreement. The Contributions that you are permitted to provide under this paragraph shall be limited to those that you alone conceived, invented, devised, or created, and in the unlikely event that we receive a claim or demand from a co-conceiver, inventor, deviser, or creator, or from a third party who conceived, invented, devised, or created such Contribution, that such Contribution be used or licensed to a third party, we shall not be liable to you for any such claim or demand. In the event that we receive any claim or demand from you in connection with the use of such Contribution or the licensing of such Contribution to a third party, you shall indemnify us and shall be responsible for resolving such claim or demand at your own expense and responsibility. Article 3 License to Use Customer's Data by Customer 1. All data we obtain from you (including data that personally identifies you) (including data that personally identifies you) will be collected, used, stored, and transmitted in accordance with the Privacy Policy. Please read the Privacy Policy before agreeing to these Terms and Conditions. Your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions constitutes your agreement to the Privacy Policy. 2. When you use the Application online (including downloading and uploading content when you are playing games online), we will collect statistical data about your use of the Application. We collect, use, store, store, and collect statistical data about the Application (including scores, rankings, achievements, registered nicknames, user names, and comments posted to us or to the Application). We may collect, use, store, transmit, and publish statistical data about the Application (including scores, rankings, achievements, registered nicknames, user names, and comments posted to the Company or the Application), as well as content created and shared by you with other players, and may associate you with other players. If we deem it necessary for the protection of our rights, property, etc., the protection of human life, body, and property from criminal acts, or the sound development and protection of children, we may disclose your login information, mobile device device information, and other information to the courts, prosecutors, police, local governments, or other authorities authorized by law or ordinance, without your permission. We may disclose or provide information about you, such as login information, mobile device device information, and this Application connection information, to a court of law, prosecutor's office, police, local government, or other authority authorized by law or ordinance without your permission. Article 4 Advertisements in this Application This Application may contain built-in functionality that displays advertisements provided by third parties that are uploaded to your mobile device from time to time and whose content changes while you are using your mobile device online. The types of information we collect are set forth in our Privacy Policy. Article 5 Usage Fees, etc. 1. In the event that the use of this Application is for a fee, you are authorized to use this Application in accordance with these Terms of Use on the condition that you have paid the usage fee set by the Company. Payment methods vary depending on the service. Other usage fees and payment methods will be set forth in this application or on the official website of this application. Once you have paid the usage fee, it is non-refundable, except in cases where we have explicitly agreed or informed you otherwise. You shall pay all fees incurred in connection with the use of this application (including those not yet determined due to disputes, etc.). We shall not have the right to withhold payment for any reason whatsoever. We may change the fees and billing method of this application at any time, and the contents of such changes shall take effect at the time the notice of such changes is published on this application or on the official website of this application. The Company will notify you of changes to usage fees and billing methods in this Application or on the official website of this Application for a period of time that the Company deems reasonable as a period of advance notice. You expressly understand that even if you are unable to use this Application due to an interruption or defect in the telecommunication service and/or Internet connection service that you have subscribed to or are using free of charge, the fees charged for the use of this Application in accordance with our terms and conditions will not be refunded. You expressly understand that the fees charged for the use of this application in accordance with our terms and conditions will not be refunded even if you are unable to use this application due to an interruption or defect in the telecommunication service and/or Internet connection service. 2. This Application grants you electronic virtual currency ("In-Game Currency") that can be exchanged for services or content offered for a fee in this Application through in-app purchases, promotions, or other methods designated by us. The in-game currency will be granted to you. The purchase unit, payment method, validity period, and other terms and conditions for the grant of In-Game Currency will be determined by the Company and displayed in the Application or on the Application's official website. In-game currency may not be exchanged for cash, goods, or other economic benefits other than the services or content designated by the Company. The number of in-game currency required to exchange for services or content, as well as other conditions for using in-game currency, will be set by the Company and displayed in this Application or on the official website of this Application. Once purchased by the customer, in-game currency will not be refunded for any reason. However, this does not apply when required by law. In such cases, the method of refunding in-game currency will be determined by the Company in accordance with the law and displayed on the Company's website. In-game currency can only be used in the account that you used to purchase the in-game currency. It cannot be transferred or assigned to another account. Article 6 Use by Minors 1. Minor customers must obtain the consent of a legal representative, such as a person with parental authority, for any and all use of this Application, including the purchase of services or content or in-game currency provided for a fee, before downloading this Application and using this Application with the consent of the legal representative. 2. We may set limits on the maximum amount of usage or payment methods for services or content provided for a fee or the purchase of in-game currency by underage customers depending on their age. Minor customers must purchase services or content provided for a fee or in-game currency in accordance with such restrictions. 3. If a minor customer uses this Application without the consent of his/her legal representative, falsely claims to be of legal age, or otherwise uses fraudulent means to make the customer believe that he/she is of limited capacity to act, he/she may not rescind any legal action related to this Application. 4. If a customer who is a minor at the time of consenting to these Terms and Conditions uses this Application after reaching the age of majority, such customer shall be deemed to have recanted any and all legal acts related to this Application. Article 7 Prohibited Acts, etc. 1. You may not use this Application for any of the following acts (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Prohibited Acts"). (1) You shall not engage in any of the following acts (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Prohibited Acts"). If we determine that you have engaged in any of the Prohibited Conduct, you will be deemed to be in material breach of these Terms of Use, and we may immediately delete the relevant sections, issue a warning or caution to you, delete any data you transmit or display, temporarily or permanently suspend all or part of your use of this Application, or delete your account. We may also remove any part of the Application, or delete your account. We may take these actions without notice, explanation or disclosure of the reason to you. Words or actions that cause discomfort to other customers, or words or actions that defame or slander other customers or third parties Language or behavior that is sexually suggestive, threatening, violent, racially prejudicial, discriminatory, against the law, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, or otherwise offensive. Impersonation of any officer or employee of the Company or its affiliates Formation and activities of any religious, racial, sexual, ethnic, human rights or any other prejudicial beliefs or commercial activities, solicitation for associations, exchange of contraband, or formation of clans with the intent to engage in religious activities Any activity that violates or may violate international law, the Constitution, laws, ordinances, or other regulations. Acts that infringe or may infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, or any other rights of the Company or any third party Falsification, deletion, or other unauthorized access to information posted on the official website of this application or this application, impersonation of another real or fictitious person (including use of another person's ID or password) (iii) Acts of attempting to alter or manipulate game results or performance by oneself or in conspiracy with others, acts of using, creating, distributing, or selling external tools such as BOTs or cheat tools that manipulate this Application illegally, or acts of using the results of illegal use of external tools by other users for the user's own benefit, Any other similar acts, or any attempt to commit such acts. Collecting or storing personal information of other users or third parties, or any actions that may lead to such collection or storing of personal information. Any act that the Company deems to have as its main purpose the desire or inducement to meet or associate with the opposite sex with whom one is not acquainted. Sexual or obscene acts. Acts that induce or encourage youths to run away from home. Actions that are deemed to adversely affect or impede the formation of the personality or sound growth of minors. Acts of displaying information that is obscene, child pornography, or child abuse, or acts of selling media containing such information, or acts of displaying or transmitting advertisements that evoke the transmission, display, or sale of such information. (4) To post messages inviting a child (under 18 years old) to be a partner in a heterosexual relationship, or to post messages inviting an adult to be a partner in a heterosexual relationship with a child. Acts that are offensive to public order and morals, or that incite, encourage, or may incite such offenses. Actions that lead to, abet, encourage, or may lead to crimes (fraud, abuse of controlled substances, child prostitution, illegal sale or purchase of savings accounts and cell phones, etc.) Actions that lead to, abet, assist, or encourage illegal activities (e.g., transfer of guns, manufacture of explosives, provision of child pornography, forgery of official documents, murder, threats, gambling, gambling, etc.), or that have the potential to lead to such activities Any act that leads to, abets, or assists or may lead to suicide or self-injury. Lending, transferring, changing the name of, buying, selling, pledging, or allowing a third party to use the ID and game data of this application, or using them as collateral. Using this application for any purpose not intended by the Company Using any malfunction or failure of this Application for any unauthorized purpose, or using any data (including modification or reproduction of data) obtained by any method not intended by the Company as a result of such malfunction or failure Engaging in so-called real money trade (RMT), which is the trading of contents, in-game currency, etc. for real currency, etc. Any and all acts other than those listed in the preceding items that have caused or may cause hindrance on the part of the Company and the administrator of this application Any acts equivalent to the preceding items Any other acts that the Company deems to be prohibited and notifies or announces to the customer. 2. If more than one (1) year has passed since the customer last used this application, we may temporarily or permanently suspend all or part of this application for that customer. 3. We shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage incurred by you as a result of actions taken by us under this Article, and we may retain and use the information you have provided to us even after deletion of your account. Article 8 Termination of this Agreement This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated. Your rights under this Agreement shall terminate immediately and automatically without notice from us if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including, but not limited to, the prohibited acts set forth in Article 8). ) of this Agreement shall be terminated immediately and automatically without any notice from us if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including, but not limited to, the prohibited acts set forth in Article 8). Immediately upon termination, you shall cease use of the Application and destroy all copies of the Application in your possession or control. Termination shall not limit our remedies by exercising any other rights or claims for damages or any other remedies permitted by law. The provisions of Sections 8 through 13 of this Agreement shall survive any termination or termination of this Agreement for any reason. Article 9. Absence of Warranty and Limitation of Liability 1. We reserve the right to change or add to the contents of this Application, in whole or in part, without prior notice to you. 2. We may, at our discretion, terminate the provision of this application by notifying you in advance by posting a notice on this application, on our website, or by any other method we deem appropriate. 3. We may temporarily suspend all or part of this application without prior notice to you in the event of any of the following events. Periodic or emergency maintenance or repairs related to communication equipment facilities for this application When the system is overloaded due to excessive access or other unforeseen factors When it becomes necessary to ensure customer security When the services of a telecommunications carrier are not provided If provision of this Application is difficult due to natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, fire, power outages, or other unforeseen accidents, or force majeure such as war, conflict, upheaval, riot, or labor disputes In the event that the operation of this application becomes impossible due to laws and regulations or measures based on such laws and regulations In any other cases deemed necessary by the Company in accordance with the preceding items. 4. We shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage incurred by the customer as a result of actions taken by us pursuant to this Article. Article 10 No Warranty and Limitation of Liability 1. The use of this application is at your own risk. unless otherwise provided by law, this application is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, including warranties of non-existence of defects or availability. We and our licensors (collectively, "we, etc.") do not make any express, implied, or statutory warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of third party rights, and any warranties arising out of a course of dealing, use, or trade practice, if any, of this application. We and others make no warranty that your enjoyment of this Application will be uninterrupted. For example, we do not warrant that this application will meet your requirements, that the functions of this application will be uninterrupted or error-free, that this application will interoperate or be compatible with other applications, that any errors in this application can be corrected, or that this application can be reinstalled and used on the same communication device or multiple communication devices. No warranty is made that the Application is interoperable or compatible with other applications, that any errors in the Application can be corrected, or that the Application can be reinstalled and used on the same or multiple communication devices. You acknowledge in advance that your use of the Application may be restricted in whole or in part due to changes in the terms of use and operating policies of app stores such as AppStore and Google Play. We guarantee that any data (including but not limited to game points and other data) created by you in connection with the use of the Application will not be lost. The Company does not guarantee that you will not lose any data (including but not limited to game points and other data) that you have created in connection with the use of the Application. No advice, oral or written, given by the Company or its authorized representatives or employees shall be deemed a warranty. 2. In no event shall we or others be liable to you for any personal injury, property damage, lost profits, cost of substitute goods or services, loss of data, loss of goodwill, business interruption, failure or malfunction of equipment used, or any other direct or indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use or this Application. or indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages. This is regardless of whether such damages are in tort (including negligence) or by contract, whether strict liability or otherwise, or whether we or others have been advised of the possibility of such damages. 3. With respect to the preceding two paragraphs, in jurisdictions where limitations of liability or damages for death, personal injury, fraudulent misrepresentation, certain intentional or negligent acts, or certain violations of law are not permitted by law or court decisions, to the extent not in conflict with such law or court decisions, the Limitation of Liability shall apply to the extent not in conflict with such laws or court decisions. 4. Even if we are liable to you, our total liability to you for all damages shall not exceed the amount you actually paid for this application (including the amount you actually paid for the purchase of in-game currency), except as otherwise provided by law. If this Application or use of this Application is free of charge, we shall not be liable to you for any monetary damages. Article 11: Material Terms of these Terms and Conditions You agree that the provisions of Article 10 limiting our liability are the most important terms of these Terms and Conditions. Article 12 Miscellaneous 1. In the event that we transfer this application or the business pertaining to this application to a third party, or cause a merger or corporate separation to succeed to the business pertaining to this application, we may cause the transferee of such transfer to succeed to your status, rights and obligations under this Agreement, as well as your registration information and other information. In the event of such assignment, etc., we may have the transferee, etc. succeed to the status, rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions, registration information and other customer information. The customer shall be deemed to have agreed in advance to such assignment, etc. in this Article. 2. Even if any provision of this Agreement is declared illegal, invalid, or unenforceable by law, the remaining provisions shall be modified and interpreted so as to have the original effect as much as possible, and all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in effect. 3. You acknowledge that any breach of these Terms and Conditions will cause irreparable harm to us and that monetary damages will not be a sufficient remedy, and you agree that we may seek, in addition to any other remedy under these Terms and Conditions or at law, interim relief (preliminary injunction) to enjoin such breach without bond or other security or proof of damages. In addition to any other remedies available under these Terms and Conditions or at law, you agree that we may seek interim relief (preliminary injunction) to enjoin such breach without bond or other security or proof of damages. 4. The laws of Japan (excluding principles of conflicts of law) will apply to these Terms and your use of the Application. You expressly agree, and you do not contest, that the Kyoto District Court of Japan shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction over any litigation arising out of or relating to these Terms and your use of this Application. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (Vienna, 1980) shall not apply to this Agreement or any dispute or transaction arising out of this Agreement. 5. To the extent not otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to this Application and supersede any and all past or present understandings regarding the matters set forth in these Terms and Conditions. Neither party shall be deemed to have waived any of its rights or powers under this Agreement if it fails or delays in exercising any such right or power. July 10, 2023 Application Terms of Use Names wanterd for the new character | CNP Official Site Names wanted for the new character CNP's new character is a pair of twin cats, partners of the ninja Quon from the Saika clan. The name submission period is until October 2, 2023, 23:59 (JST). All individuals who successfully name the twin cats (Black and White) will receive an NFT (Katashiro / AL for the upcoming BurNin' event) as a gift. Additionally, three lucky winners will be randomly selected among these participants to receive a CNP. The maximum number of entries per person is limited to two for each cat (Black / White); those who submit three or more ideas will have their prize invalidated, even if they win. Names wanted for the new character Application Guidelines 募集期間 2月18日(日)12時00分~24日(土)23時59分 参加資格 ・CNPをお持ちの方 ・応募要項をご確認いただき、内容に同意された方 参加方法 1. CNPのお迎えストーリーをXでポストしてください。 指定ハッシュタグ(#CNP #mycnpstory)と、ご自身のCNP画像添付もお願いします。 2. FiNANCiEのCNG専用部屋 [ My CNP Story【1人1回】 ]にポストのリンクを投稿してください。 ※お1人1回まで 賞品 大 賞:CNP1体 参加賞:CNGトークン1枚 応募規定 ・CNPお迎えストーリーはフロア購入、人から譲り受けたなど、ジャンルは問いません。 ・エピソードの書き方、形式は自由です。 ・企画終了後、素敵なお迎えストーリーをCNPの公式サイトで掲載する場合があります。予めご了承ください。 #MY CNP STORY 応募要項 思い出のアイテムを持ったCNPを、子どもの誕生日記念に。 大好きなペットに似たキャラクターを発見して。 コミュニティの盛り上がりが気になって。 かわいいデザインに一目惚れして。 IPとしての可能性に魅力を感じて。 がんばった自分へのご褒美に。 CNPを手にした瞬間、そこには一つの物語が紡がれます。 ぜひ、あなたの「CNPお迎えエピソード」を聞かせてください。 ここには、22222個のドラマがある News | CNP Official Site 【プレスリリース】兵庫県朝来市と株式会社バケットが地域活性化を目的とした協定を締結 2024年7月30日 【プレスリリース】沖縄県中城村と株式会社バケットが地域活性化を目的とした協定を締結 2024年7月26日 【全国30店舗】CNPのぬいぐるみ、クレーンゲーム景品(プライズ)として初登場 2024年7月25日 【プレスリリース】島根県松江市と株式会社バケットが地域活性化を目的とした協定を締結 2024年7月18日 【プレスリリース】CNP、7月3日~5日開催のライセンシングジャパンに出展 2024年6月25日 【プレスリリース】滋賀県彦根市と株式会社バケットが地域活性化を目的とした協定を締結 2024年4月24日 【プレスリリース】CNP、Web3コミュニティによるマーケティング/プロモーション支援を提供開始 2024年4月8日 【プレスリリース】『MashRoom Cafe』 にてCNPのファンアート募集・販売を3月28日より開始 2024年3月28日 【プレスリリース】KDDIの「αU market」1周年を記念した初のNFTつきトレーディングカードを発表 2024年3月19日 【プレスリリース】The Sandbox「ビルダーズ・チャレンジ」第1週で世界2位にランクイン 2024年3月5日 【プレスリリース】CNP、Magic Edenのクリエイターズアライアンスに参画 2024年2月9日 【プレスリリース】CNP、12月6日〜8日開催の「ライセンシング ジャパン」に出展 2023年12月4日 【プレスリリース】CNP、NFTホルダーが収益化できる「C2E Program」テスト版を公開 2023年11月15日 【プレスリリース】「CNPトレジャースタンプ第2弾(ルナ)」を9/30に発売 2023年9月28日 【プレスリリース】CNP、全国のTSUTAYA・蔦屋書店22店舗でポップアップショップを初開催 2023年9月25日 【プレスリリース】CNP、初のオフィシャルカレンダーを10月21日に発売 2023年9月11日 【プレスリリース】The Sandboxでニンジャのテーマパーク「CNP Land」公開 2023年8月30日 【プレスリリース】愛知県犬山市と地域活性化を目的とした協定を締結 2023年8月29日 【プレスリリース】CNPの流通総額が発売15ヶ月で13,000ETHを突破 2023年8月15日 【プレスリリース】「CNPバーニンウォーズ」App Storeで無料ゲーム総合14位獲得 2023年7月11日 【プレスリリース】スマホゲーム「CNPバーニンウォーズ」本日iOS版を提供開始 2023年7月10日 【プレスリリース】「CNPバーニンウォーズ」早期インストール記念キャンペーンを開催 2023年7月1日 【プレスリリース】「CNPバーニンウォーズ」BGM/SEを大賀智章氏が担当 2023年6月24日 【プレスリリース】「CNPバーニンウォーズ」予約注文/事前登録開始 2023年6月21日 「バーチャル東京ドーム」コラボキャンペーンは6月24日まで! 2023年6月20日 【プレスリリース】 ラフォーレ原宿「CNP Summer Store」がオープン 2023年6月15日 【プレスリリース】 LINEスタンプ付きNFT「CNPトレジャースタンプ」が即完売 2023年5月26日 【プレスリリース】「CNP」と「万福小屋どんぶらこ」の期間限定キャンペーン 2023年4月24日 【プレスリリース】カルチュア・コンビニエンス・クラブ株式会社と基本合意を締結 2023年4月20日 【プレスリリース】CNPの流通額が10,000ETH(約23億円)を突破 2023年3月22日 【プレスリリース】「CNP Toys」第二弾が、LINE NFTでの販売開始後、即完売 2023年2月22日 【プレスリリース】「CNP Toys」第一弾が、LINE NFTでの販売開始後4分で完売 2023年1月21日 【プレスリリース】CNPの公式コレクション「CNP Toys」を1月21日にリリース 2023年1月18日 【プレスリリース】デジタルマーケティング支援についてソフトバンクと基本合意を締結 2022年12月28日 【プレスリリース】取引数が20,000件を突破。国内NFTで最多取引数を達成 2022年12月27日 【プレスリリース】スマホゲームをカヤックアキバスタジオと開発。2023年7月リリース予定 2022年12月26日 【プレスリリース】NFTオーナーなら1時間飲み放題無料!「BAR CANPAI」の期間限定キャンペーン 2022年11月5日 ​ ​ NEWS & TOPICS CNPの最新情報 BizDev NFT イベント キャンペーン グッズ ゲーム プレスリリース メタバース 自治体 Previous 1 2 3 Next

  • Luna | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners)

    Luna The rabbit "Luna" is the partner of the Koka ninja, Oto. Luna transforms into 36 different forms. It first appeared in CNP, not CryptoNinja; CNP holders voted on the name. Characters of CryptoNinja Oto

  • Naming contest | CNP Official Site

    NEW CHARACTER NAMING CONTEST The new character is a wolf who appears as the partner of Shion, a ninja from Iga. The application period ends at 23:59 (JST) on February 10. The winners will receive two NFTs (talisman or KATASHIRO in Japanese), allowing them to BurNin' for the new character. The maximum number of entries per person is limited to three; those who submit four or more ideas will invalidate the prize, even if they win. Application Form CryptoNinja Character About Shion ​She is a lonely Shinobi because she lost her parents to a devil’s attack. Anne is the only Shinobi whom she trusts. CryptoNinja Chacters Application Guidelines Application period February 1 to 10, at 23:59 JST Voting period February 11 to 14, 2023 Announcement of results Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Prize The winners will receive two NFTs (talisman or KATASHIRO in Japanese), allowing them to BurNin' for the new character. The maximum number of entries per person is limited to three; those who submit four or more ideas will invalidate the prize, even if they win. Application Regulations *The name must be an original idea of the entrant and unpublished. *The copyrights to the submitted names belong to the management (Bucket Inc). *The adopted name will be used in various ways, including commercial use, following CryptoNinja's rules. The named applicant may not claim any rights regarding the use of the name.

  • Manga | CNP Official Site

    ナルカミ転生記:七色の巻物と伝説のパートナー IT企業に勤めるサラリーマン"鳴神ケンスケ"が、忍者の相棒に!? Kindle Unlimited 会員の方は、追加料金なし(¥0)でお読みいただけます。 試し読みをする Amazonで読む

  • NFT発行の注意事項 | CNP Official Site

    NFT受け取りに関わる注意事項 受け取り方法 NFTの受け取り期間は2024年7月24日00:00~2024年12月31日23:59までと なります。(QRコード1点につき、1回受け取り可能です。) 指定のQRコードを読み込み後、NFTが付与されます。 受け取り条件 受け取りにあたりLINEアプリ(日本国内の電話番号でLINEアカウント登録をしていること)が必要です。 LINEの個人アカウントをお持ちであること、DOSIのアカウント開設が必要となります。 iOSとAndroidOSで最新版のLINEアプリがダウンロードされており、インターネットに接続できるスマートフォンからのご応募が必要です。 付与されるNFTについて 本NFTは受け取り期間終了後の2025年1月1日00:00以降、DOSIのマーケット内で2次流通に出品することが可能です。 本NFTは他のユーザーに送付することが可能です。 (※送付した場合は、自分のウォレットからNFTが消え、送付先のウォレットにNFTが移りますのでご注意ください。) 注意事項 下記をお読みいただき、ご同意いただける場合のみNFTをお受け取りください。 インターネット接続料及び通信料はお客さまのご負担となります。 通信の際の接続トラブルにつきましては、責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。 一部の機種・環境ではご応募いただけない場合がございます。 不正な処理を行わせるプログラム等でのご応募は無効とさせていただきます。 当サイトの利用によるいかなるトラブル・損害(直接、間接の損害別を問わず)が発生したとしてもLINE NEXT Inc.は一切の責任を負いかねます。あらかじめご了承ください。 やむを得ない事情により中止または内容が変更となる場合がございますので、予めご了承ください。 NFTは、予告無く内容・仕様が変更になる場合があります。 本NFTに係る著作権を含む知的財産権はお客さまに移転しません。 本NFTにつき、複製、転載、改変等の行為をしてはなりません。 お客さまの本NFTに対する上記利用権は、理由を問わず、LINEアカウントおよびDOSIアカウントが削除された時点で消滅します。 誤ってアカウントを削除した場合、アカウントの復旧はできません。

  • Guidline | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners)

    GUIDELINES Guidelines for CryptoNinja Partners Contact Us (Discord) 【CNP's guidelines for derivative works】 CNP follows CryptoNinja's guidelines and allows using CNP's materials for creative works. ​ However, the use and tracing of CNP elements are prohibited for generative NFTs, regardless of the number of pieces. Even in the case of one-of-a-kind collections, if the collection consists of more than 100 pieces, the use and tracing of CNP elements are prohibited, as is the case with generative NFTs. ​ In addition, we may not allow the sale of items that could be mistaken for official CNP items, regardless of whether they are generative or hand-drawn, etc. If you are considering creating generative NFTs using CNP derivative works, it is safe to consult with NinjaDAO beforehand. ​ You can create new or original works using CNP characters, and we look forward to seeing them. CNP Founder Road ------------------------------------- *If you sell NFT created as a derivative work of CNP, please clearly state "fan art," "derivative work," "CNP-inspired," etc. *We welcome derivative works, but please DO NOT use phrases such as "collaboration" or "partnership" that can mislead customers as a CNP official NFT project. *The following four projects are the only official NFT projects in which CNP management is involved. CryptoNinja Partners (CNP), Furusato CNP, CNP Toys (LINE NFT), and CNP Villains (LINE NFT). ------------------------------------- Due to CNP's business development contract, the following project using CNP is not allowed. * Hometown tax donation program with NFT as a return gift (Last modified on Jan 29, 2023)

  • Makami | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners)

    Makami Makami, the wolf, is the Iga ninja "Shion" partner in CryptoNinja. They can transform into 36 different forms. Makami debuted as an original character in CNP, not in the main CryptoNinja series and the name was chosen through a voting process conducted by CNP holders. Characters of CryptoNinja Shion

  • Mitama | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners)

    Mitama The ghost Mitama is the partner of Saika's ninja Seori. In CNP, Mitama transforms into 71 different forms. It is a popular character with many avid collectors. Characters of CryptoNinja Seori & Mitama

  • カスタムメイドサービス | CNP Official Site

    CUSTOM-MADE SERVICE Coming soon Coming soon 3D Avatars Coming soon coming soon

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