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  • 法人のお客様へ | CNP Official Site

    資料ダウンロード 資料ダウンロード・お問い合わせはこちらから ダウンロード お問い合わせ 法人のお客様へ CNPは、誰もが参加し、関わることができる「Web3時代」のIP。強力なコミュニティの力に支えられ、積極的な事業開発を行っています。 CNPの商品化 CNPでは、ライセンス契約による商品化、広告宣伝のサポートも行っています。ライセンスフィーなど、詳細はお問い合わせください。 Read More CNPとのタイアップ・提携 CNPのキャラクターを、地域や商品、サービスのマスコットキャラクターに。ふるさと納税返礼品のデザインなどにもご活用いただいています。 Read More CNPとのコラボレーション CNPでは、デジタルグッズ展開、メタバース展開、イベント、ポップアップストア、各種キャンペーンも行っています。ぜひお気軽にご相談ください。 Read More

  • Terms and Conditions | CNP Official Site

    株式会社バケット プライバシーポリシー 第1条(目的) このプライバシーポリシーは、株式会社バケット(以下「当社」といいます)が提供するサービスにおいて、お客様の個人情報をどのように収集し、利用し、保護するかについて説明するものです。 第2条(ポリシーへの同意) 当社のサービスを利用することにより、お客様は本プライバシーポリシーに同意したものとみなされます。お客様が本プライバシーポリシーに同意されない場合でも、サービスを利用することは可能ですが、サービス体験が十分に提供されない可能性があります。 第3条(適用範囲) 本プライバシーポリシーは、当社の提供するすべてのサービスおよび製品に適用されます。また、本ポリシーは、当社が収集する個人データ全般に適用されます。第三者のウェブサイトやサービスに関しては、当社はそのコンテンツおよびプライバシーポリシーについて責任を負いません。 第4条(当社が収集する情報およびデータ) 当社は、お客様が当社のサービスを利用する際に、以下の個人データおよび情報を収集し、処理します: 自動的に収集されるデータ 当社は、MAツール等を使用して、お客様のIPアドレスやサービス利用状況(ウェブサイトやメールの閲覧履歴、操作情報など)を自動的に収集します。また、Cookieを使用して、これらのデータを収集する場合があります。 Cookieの使用について 当社は、お客様の利便性向上およびサービス改善のためにCookieを使用します。Cookieにより取得された行動履歴データは、お客様の個人情報と関連付けられる場合があります。お客様はブラウザの設定を変更することで、Cookieの使用を拒否することができますが、その場合、サービスの一部が正常に機能しない場合があります。 お客様から提供される情報 お客様が問い合わせや登録時に提供する氏名、メールアドレスなどの連絡先情報、およびその他の必要な情報。 第三者から取得するデータ 当社は、広告パートナーなどの第三者からお客様の個人情報を取得することがあります。 第5条(情報の利用目的および法的根拠) 当社は、以下の目的のために、お客様のデータおよび情報を収集し、利用します: サービスの提供および改善 セキュリティの向上 広告表示およびプロモーション カスタマーサポートの提供 法的義務の履行 第6条(お客様の情報の共有) 当社は、上記の目的のために、お客様の情報をパートナーと共有することがあります。法律に基づく場合、または法的義務を履行するために必要な場合を除き、お客様の情報を第三者に提供することはありません。 第7条(個人情報の安全管理) 当社は、個人情報の紛失、破壊、改ざん、毀損、漏洩等を防止するため、適切なセキュリティ対策を講じます。 第8条(データの保持期間) 当社は、法的義務を遵守するために必要な期間、お客様の情報を保持します。 第9条(問い合わせ窓口) プライバシーに関するお問い合わせは、以下の窓口までご連絡ください。 株式会社バケット 個人情報保護管理者 秋山 慎治 住所: 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿5-15-14-330 メール: 第10条(プライバシーポリシーの変更) 当社は、必要に応じて、本プライバシーポリシーを更新することがあります。最新のプライバシーポリシーは、当社のウェブサイトにて公表します。 CNP BurNin' Wars Privacy Policy

  • About | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners)

    Bucket Co., Ltd. Sales Company Shinji Akiyama (CEO) Founder 5-15-14-330 Shinjuku, Tokyo Address Contact information website It will be displayed on the screen of the Mint site during the purchase procedure. Consumption tax is shown as tax included. Selling price ETH payment method Internet connection fee, communication fee, Ethereum transaction execution fee (gas fee), etc. Necessary expenses other than products Promptly after Ethereum transaction approval is confirmed Product delivery time Due to the product's characteristics, it cannot be returned or canceled after purchase. If you cannot use the service, please get in touch with us from the above contact information. About returns and cancellations road CNP Founder MESSAGE Toward a world where fans can also be partners Until now, when we found creative work or a character that we liked, we supported it as a "customer" or "consumer" by buying goods or attending events. ​ It's not that we are dissatisfied with that. ​ However, Web3 provides the potential for a new relationship, where we can participate and contribute to our favorite products and characters. ​ The CryptoNinja Partners NFT is for those who believe in the possibility of building this new connection. ​ CryptoNinja takes on the challenge of creating a new character-fan relationship using a flexible rights structure to build a successful Web3-style IP. ​​ If you are even a little bit interested in this project, please join our community by becoming a CryptoNinja Partners NFT owner. ​ And please use your NFT as a profile picture on your social media accounts to help us raise awareness of this new character-fan relationship. ​ Let's change the world together! Notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions About us

  • Concept | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners)

    CONCEPT Concept of CryptoNinja Partners GENERATIVE We issued 22,222 one-of-a-kind Ninja NFTs. Compared to CryptoNinja, more people can become holders of Ninja NFTs. SPIN-OFF CryptoNinja designer Rii2 is in charge of the base design. An orthodox spin-off by the creators of Ninja DAO has been realized. MEMBERSHIP Rather than short-term trading profits, we hope you can gain the unique experience of being a holder. We focus on the "value" of being part of a community. PARTNERSHIP The theme is to create a new relationship between characters, works, and fans. We aim to create a world where fans can also become "partners." VISION CNP is not an NFT for speculative purposes. It is a "membership card" to enjoy all the value generated by NinjaDAO, an active community of over 100,000 people. CNP aims to be your partner in enriching your life. What CryptoNinja Partners aims for Value Increase the value CNP features an issuance volume of 22,222 items, more than twice the volume of popular NFT collections globally. We will leverage this scale to establish a CNP economic zone and increase the value of "owning a CNP" itself. Opportunities Extend possibilities NinjaDAO has ongoing projects in diverse fields such as metaverse, education, and entertainment. These will be connected to CNP to expand the possibilities afforded by CNP ownership continually. Experience New Experiences Owning a CNP gives you priority access to NinjaDAO projects and events. You will also be the first owner of any new NFTs planned by CNP. Connection Deeper Experiences We want you to enjoy being an owner, not just participating. Owning a CNP allows you to commit more to the CNP project and NinjaDAO's events. Q2 2022 CNP Launch Launch Commemorative Metaverse Live Treasure hunt event Owners votes to determine how to use the proceeds Custom-made crafting service for owned CNP avatars CNP Owner Exclusive Metaverse Event Q3 2022 Background synthesis site opened New character NFT CNP Owner Exclusive Metaverse Music Fest Q4 2022~ Voxel NFT project Airdrop The theme park on the metaverse CNP chakra token airdrop CNP NFT card battle Collaboration with Real facilities Building a new IP business model Support for other IPs ROAD MAP Here are some of the plans we have in mind. Please note that the Web3 world is rapidly evolving, and we cannot promise that it will realize all of them. Plans in Concept LOGO CNP offers three types (5 colors) of logotypes so that you can use them correctly for various purposes. Please confirm guidelines when using logotypes. CNP logotype CNP_logo_01 Download CNP_logo_02 Download CNP_logo_03 Download CNP_logo_04 Download

  • Leelee | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners)

    LeeLee Leelee, the panda, is the partner of Xiaolan, a ninja from Koka. When Xiaolan summons, Leelee can turn into a giant panda. In CNP, Leelee has transformed into 71 different forms. Since its launch, they have gained popularity for its adorable appearance. Characters of CryptoNinja Xiaolan & Lee Lee

  • Orochi | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners)

    Orochi The white snake Orochi is the partner of the Fuma ninja Janome. In CNP, Orochi transforms into 74 different forms. As a result of the initial "BurNin'," the population declined. Characters of CryptoNinja Janome & Orochi

  • Home | CNP Official Site

    Magic Edenへ移行しました! CNPはNFTマーケットプレイスOpenSeaの利用を終了。2024年2月28日、Magic Edenへの移行を完了しました。CNP ceased using OpenSea, the NFT marketplace and transitioned to Magic Eden on February 28, 2024. CNPショート動画 CNPのゆるふわ動画をTikTok、YouTubeで公開中です。We share the fun of relaxed, cute CNP in short videos on TikTok and YouTube. CNP Land The Sandboxに忍者の世界を楽しめるワールド「CNP Land」を公開しました。 We have released the world 'CNP Land' in The Sandbox, where you can enjoy the ninja world. CNPカレンダー発売中 Amazon、楽天ブックス、セブンネットショッピング、大手書店等で購入いただけます。 The official CNP calendar is now available on Amazon, Rakuten Books, Seven Net Shopping and major bookshops in Japan. CNPバーニンウォーズ / CNP BurNin' Wars CNPのキャラクターで遊ぶ、タワーディフェンスゲーム。課金要素がなく、家族で楽しめます。 Tower defence game featuring CNP characters. It's completely free-to-play, making it enjoyable for the whole family. 素材屋CNP / Sozaiya CNP 商用利用無料、会員登録不要。学校や仕事、季節のイラスト240種以上を掲載中! Free illustration site for commercial use; no membership registration required. Over 240 illustrations of school, work, seasons and events! CNP Owners CNPをお持ちの方向けに、国内外の店舗、オンラインショップで受けられる割引・特典をご紹介しています。 For CNP holders. Discounts and offers are available at restaurants, cafés and online shops. Magic Edenへ移行しました! CNPはNFTマーケットプレイスOpenSeaの利用を終了。2024年2月28日、Magic Edenへの移行を完了しました。CNP ceased using OpenSea, the NFT marketplace and transitioned to Magic Eden on February 28, 2024. CNPショート動画 CNPのゆるふわ動画をTikTok、YouTubeで公開中です。We share the fun of relaxed, cute CNP in short videos on TikTok and YouTube. CNP Land The Sandboxに忍者の世界を楽しめるワールド「CNP Land」を公開しました。 We have released the world 'CNP Land' in The Sandbox, where you can enjoy the ninja world. CNPカレンダー発売中 Amazon、楽天ブックス、セブンネットショッピング、大手書店等で購入いただけます。 The official CNP calendar is now available on Amazon, Rakuten Books, Seven Net Shopping and major bookshops in Japan. CNPバーニンウォーズ / CNP BurNin' Wars CNPのキャラクターで遊ぶ、タワーディフェンスゲーム。課金要素がなく、家族で楽しめます。 Tower defence game featuring CNP characters. It's completely free-to-play, making it enjoyable for the whole family. 素材屋CNP / Sozaiya CNP 商用利用無料、会員登録不要。学校や仕事、季節のイラスト240種以上を掲載中! Free illustration site for commercial use; no membership registration required. Over 240 illustrations of school, work, seasons and events! CNP Owners CNPをお持ちの方向けに、国内外の店舗、オンラインショップで受けられる割引・特典をご紹介しています。 For CNP holders. Discounts and offers are available at restaurants, cafés and online shops. Magic Edenへ移行しました! CNPはNFTマーケットプレイスOpenSeaの利用を終了。2024年2月28日、Magic Edenへの移行を完了しました。CNP ceased using OpenSea, the NFT marketplace and transitioned to Magic Eden on February 28, 2024. CNPショート動画 CNPのゆるふわ動画をTikTok、YouTubeで公開中です。We share the fun of relaxed, cute CNP in short videos on TikTok and YouTube. CNP Land The Sandboxに忍者の世界を楽しめるワールド「CNP Land」を公開しました。 We have released the world 'CNP Land' in The Sandbox, where you can enjoy the ninja world. CNPカレンダー発売中 Amazon、楽天ブックス、セブンネットショッピング、大手書店等で購入いただけます。 The official CNP calendar is now available on Amazon, Rakuten Books, Seven Net Shopping and major bookshops in Japan. CNPバーニンウォーズ / CNP BurNin' Wars CNPのキャラクターで遊ぶ、タワーディフェンスゲーム。課金要素がなく、家族で楽しめます。 Tower defence game featuring CNP characters. It's completely free-to-play, making it enjoyable for the whole family. 素材屋CNP / Sozaiya CNP 商用利用無料、会員登録不要。学校や仕事、季節のイラスト240種以上を掲載中! Free illustration site for commercial use; no membership registration required. Over 240 illustrations of school, work, seasons and events! CNP Owners CNPをお持ちの方向けに、国内外の店舗、オンラインショップで受けられる割引・特典をご紹介しています。 For CNP holders. Discounts and offers are available at restaurants, cafés and online shops. Magic Edenへ移行しました! CNPはNFTマーケットプレイスOpenSeaの利用を終了。2024年2月28日、Magic Edenへの移行を完了しました。CNP ceased using OpenSea, the NFT marketplace and transitioned to Magic Eden on February 28, 2024. CNPショート動画 CNPのゆるふわ動画をTikTok、YouTubeで公開中です。We share the fun of relaxed, cute CNP in short videos on TikTok and YouTube. CNP Land The Sandboxに忍者の世界を楽しめるワールド「CNP Land」を公開しました。 We have released the world 'CNP Land' in The Sandbox, where you can enjoy the ninja world. CNPカレンダー発売中 Amazon、楽天ブックス、セブンネットショッピング、大手書店等で購入いただけます。 The official CNP calendar is now available on Amazon, Rakuten Books, Seven Net Shopping and major bookshops in Japan. CNPバーニンウォーズ / CNP BurNin' Wars CNPのキャラクターで遊ぶ、タワーディフェンスゲーム。課金要素がなく、家族で楽しめます。 Tower defence game featuring CNP characters. It's completely free-to-play, making it enjoyable for the whole family. 素材屋CNP / Sozaiya CNP 商用利用無料、会員登録不要。学校や仕事、季節のイラスト240種以上を掲載中! Free illustration site for commercial use; no membership registration required. Over 240 illustrations of school, work, seasons and events! CNP Owners CNPをお持ちの方向けに、国内外の店舗、オンラインショップで受けられる割引・特典をご紹介しています。 For CNP holders. Discounts and offers are available at restaurants, cafés and online shops. Magic Edenへ移行しました! CNPはNFTマーケットプレイスOpenSeaの利用を終了。2024年2月28日、Magic Edenへの移行を完了しました。CNP ceased using OpenSea, the NFT marketplace and transitioned to Magic Eden on February 28, 2024. CNPショート動画 CNPのゆるふわ動画をTikTok、YouTubeで公開中です。We share the fun of relaxed, cute CNP in short videos on TikTok and YouTube. CNP Land The Sandboxに忍者の世界を楽しめるワールド「CNP Land」を公開しました。 We have released the world 'CNP Land' in The Sandbox, where you can enjoy the ninja world. CNPカレンダー発売中 Amazon、楽天ブックス、セブンネットショッピング、大手書店等で購入いただけます。 The official CNP calendar is now available on Amazon, Rakuten Books, Seven Net Shopping and major bookshops in Japan. CNPバーニンウォーズ / CNP BurNin' Wars CNPのキャラクターで遊ぶ、タワーディフェンスゲーム。課金要素がなく、家族で楽しめます。 Tower defence game featuring CNP characters. It's completely free-to-play, making it enjoyable for the whole family. 素材屋CNP / Sozaiya CNP 商用利用無料、会員登録不要。学校や仕事、季節のイラスト240種以上を掲載中! Free illustration site for commercial use; no membership registration required. Over 240 illustrations of school, work, seasons and events! CNP Owners CNPをお持ちの方向けに、国内外の店舗、オンラインショップで受けられる割引・特典をご紹介しています。 For CNP holders. Discounts and offers are available at restaurants, cafés and online shops. PROMO VIDEOS promo videos / shorts LeeLee Mitama Narukami Orochi Luna Yama Makami Towa&Setsuna CNP has seven base characters; "Leelee" the panda, "Mitama" the ghost, "Narukami" the hawk, "Luna" the bunny, "Yama" the imp, "Makami" the wolf and "Towa & Setsuna" the twin cats. They transform into various forms to carry out their missions! CHARACTERS Characters of CNP PROMO VIDEOS promo videos / shorts 企業スポンサー募集 24/7/30 【プレスリリース】兵庫県朝来市と株式会社バケットが地域活性化を目的とした協定を締結 もっと見る 24/7/26 【プレスリリース】沖縄県中城村と株式会社バケットが地域活性化を目的とした協定を締結 もっと見る 24/7/25 【全国30店舗】CNPのぬいぐるみ、クレーンゲーム景品(プライズ)として初登場 もっと見る 24/7/18 【プレスリリース】島根県松江市と株式会社バケットが地域活性化を目的とした協定を締結 もっと見る 24/6/25 【プレスリリース】CNP、7月3日~5日開催のライセンシングジャパンに出展 もっと見る 24/4/24 【プレスリリース】滋賀県彦根市と株式会社バケットが地域活性化を目的とした協定を締結 もっと見る 24/4/8 【プレスリリース】CNP、Web3コミュニティによるマーケティング/プロモーション支援を提供開始 もっと見る 24/3/28 【プレスリリース】『MashRoom Cafe』 にてCNPのファンアート募集・販売を3月28日より開始 もっと見る 24/3/19 【プレスリリース】KDDIの「αU market」1周年を記念した初のNFTつきトレーディングカードを発表 もっと見る 24/3/5 【プレスリリース】The Sandbox「ビルダーズ・チャレンジ」第1週で世界2位にランクイン もっと見る 24/2/9 【プレスリリース】CNP、Magic Edenのクリエイターズアライアンスに参画 もっと見る 23/12/4 【プレスリリース】CNP、12月6日〜8日開催の「ライセンシング ジャパン」に出展 もっと見る NEWS & TOPICS Press release BizDev NFT イベント キャンペーン グッズ ゲーム プレスリリース メタバース 自治体 ニュース一覧 Makami Guidelines WhitePaper logo Makimono More Makami Guidelines WhitePaper logo Makimono © 2023 CNP / CryptoNinja Partners お問い合わせ

  • Terms and Conditions | CNP Official Site

    CNP BurNin' Wars Privacy Policy This privacy policy explains how we (Bucket Inc.) collect and process your personal data when you access and play our Games applications and services. 1. Consent to Policy After installing and before using this app, you consent to this Privacy Policy and the collection, use, and sharing of your personal data as described in this policy. If you do not consent, you may still use our app, but you understand that your app experience will not be as good as it could be. ​ 2. scope of this policy The scope of this Privacy Policy is limited to personal data collected from you using our applications and services. The Application may contain links to external sites. When you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that site. Please note that we have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the content and privacy policies of any third party sites or services. ​ 3. Information and Data we collect from you We collect and process the following personal data and information when you use the Application Data automatically collected from the Application Your device type and model, manufacturer, operating system platform and version, general location (region, country, city, etc.), application version, start and end of ad viewing, game play status (stage start, end, operation information, etc.) IP address, Advertising ID (IDFA for Apple devices / AAID for Android devices). Information to be provided when making an inquiry Customer's name, contact information such as email address, and other information necessary for support Data we obtain from our advertising partners We may obtain your personal data from third-party advertising partners, depending on the permission you have given our partners. Collection of special categories of personal data We collect special categories of personal data (personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, and genetic data, biometric data to uniquely identify a natural person, data concerning health, data concerning a natural person's s sexual life or sexual orientation), personal data concerning criminal convictions or offenses, or related security measures will not be intentionally collected. ​ 4. purpose of use of information and legal basis 4.1 How we use your information We collect and use your data and information for the following purposes Provide and improve our gaming services We use your personal information to distribute applications, provide game services, and improve our services. To properly provide game services, it is necessary for us to collect, record, and use information such as your game progress. We analyze your personal information and use it to provide you with a better experience, to fix problems with the game, to improve stability, and to develop new services. We also use it to send notifications such as app updates, support, and administrative messages. Security We use your information to enhance the security and safety of our services. We use the information to monitor for suspicious or unexpected use, to keep our services secure and stable, and to send you notifications such as security alerts. We also use your information to identify and prevent fraud in our advertising campaigns. Advertising Displays and Promotions We use your information to display advertisements for our games in applications released by other providers and to display third party advertisements in our games. While you are playing our games, we may display advertisements for our other games. We use your personal data to understand your preferences and to display better advertisements. We also use your personal data to contact you about promotions, events, and other news about services offered by us or our partners. Providing Customer Support We use your Personal Data to respond to your inquiries and provide customer support. Fulfillment of Legal Obligations We use your information when necessary to comply with our legal obligations. ​ 4.2 Legal Basis We collect and use personal data of users subject to GDPR or the equivalents on the following legal basis: (1) Performance of contractual obligations You must use your information to fulfill your obligations under your contract (to provide the services you request, improve our services, and provide customer support). (2) Consent You have provided us with your consent to use personal data and information for specific purposes. This applies to information displayed within the application that is personalized to your preferences and to which information is shared with advertising partners for that purpose. This consent can be withdrawn at any time. (3) Legal obligations We collect and process your personal data where necessary to comply with the legal obligations we follow. (4) legitimate interests If (1) or (2) or (3) does not apply, we need to use your personal data for our legitimate interests or for legitimate interests pursued by third parties. We use your personal data to analyze, track and prevent fraud, notify, cross-promote and advertise to provide you with free or low-cost services, improve our services and improve your data Special attention can be paid to the right to protection. 5. sharing of customer information We may share your information with our partners for the purposes described above. Each partner's privacy policy is described in the "Partner List" section. We may disclose your information as required by law, legal process, litigation, and as requested by public or governmental authorities within or outside of your country of residence. We may disclose your information to public authorities when we believe it is necessary to protect and challenge the legal rights of our company, our customers, and our partners, and to exercise our legal rights in accordance with relevant laws. We will not notify you of such disclosures unless we are required to do so by law. Partner List We may share your information with the following partners in order to improve our app and provide more customized advertising. We may receive your personal data from our advertising partners. Google : Firebase : Unity : Facebook : AppLovin : 6. security control of personal information We will strive to protect personal information by introducing appropriate and reasonable levels of security measures to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, damage, leakage, etc. of personal information. When outsourcing the handling of personal information, we strongly request that you comply with applicable personal information protection laws and maintain the confidentiality of the information. While we strive to protect your personal information at all times, we cannot guarantee or represent that your personal information is completely protected. 7. user rights under GDPR or equivalent If you fall under the GDPR or its equivalent, you have the following rights with respect to the processing of your personal data: To exercise the following rights, you may send a request to the contact listed under "Contact Us". We may ask you to provide certain information in order to identify and correct your data. Right to withdraw your consent You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time in accordance with Article 7(3)(iii) of the GDPR. If you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us at the contact information provided in this policy. This withdrawal of consent cannot affect the legality of the treatment based on the consent before withdrawal. If you withdraw your consent, you will not be able to continue to use the application or service. Right of Access and Right of Modification You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether personal data concerning you have been processed in accordance with Article 15 of the GDPR and, if so, to access your personal data. You also have the right to obtain from us, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you in accordance with Article 16 of the GDPR. Right to erasure and restriction of processing Pursuant to Article 17 of the GDPR, you have the right to obtain from us without undue delay the erasure of personal data concerning you. You also have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data in accordance with Article 18 of the GDPR. However, if your personal data is legitimately used to provide our services or for other purposes, we may refuse your request or ask you to postpone your response. Right to Data Portability Pursuant to Article 20 of the GDPR, you have the right to receive the personal data you provide to us in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format and the right to transmit these data to other controllers without hindrance from us to whom the personal data were provided. We also reserve the right to have personal data transmitted directly from us to another controller, where technically feasible. Right to Object Pursuant to Article 21 of the GDPR, you shall have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you for reasons related to your particular situation. Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority Pursuant to Article 77 of the GDPR and without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, if you believe that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes this Regulation, you shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular with the Member State where you live, work or where the alleged infringement takes place. Transfer of your personal data We may transfer and process your personal data from your country or region of residence to Japan and to other countries around the world. We may share your information with international organizations as partners. Please note that these countries or regions may not have the same data protection laws as your country. ​ 8. data retention period We will retain your information for as long as necessary to provide you services unless we are required to do so by law or unless we accept your request to delete your information. We will retain and use your information for as long as necessary to comply with our legal obligations. 9. contact Controller Bucket Inc. Personal Information Protection Manager Shinji Akiyama Contact Bucket Corporation Address: 5-15-14-330 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022 E-mail: 10. Change of Privacy Policy We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time as necessary. CNP BurNin' Wars Privacy Policy

  • Luna | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners)

    Luna The rabbit "Luna" is the partner of the Koka ninja, Oto. Luna transforms into 36 different forms. It first appeared in CNP, not CryptoNinja; CNP holders voted on the name. Characters of CryptoNinja Oto

  • Yama | CNP(CryptoNinja Partners)

    Yama The imp "Yama" is the partner of the Fuma ninja "Ibuki." In CNP, it transforms into 36 different forms. Yama was unveiled before his master, Ninja Ibuki. Characters of CryptoNinja Ibuki & Yana

  • カスタムメイドサービス | CNP Official Site

    CUSTOM-MADE SERVICE Coming soon Coming soon 3D Avatars Coming soon coming soon

  • Naming contest | CNP Official Site

    NEW CHARACTER NAMING CONTEST The new character is a wolf who appears as the partner of Shion, a ninja from Iga. The application period ends at 23:59 (JST) on February 10. The winners will receive two NFTs (talisman or KATASHIRO in Japanese), allowing them to BurNin' for the new character. The maximum number of entries per person is limited to three; those who submit four or more ideas will invalidate the prize, even if they win. Application Form CryptoNinja Character About Shion ​She is a lonely Shinobi because she lost her parents to a devil’s attack. Anne is the only Shinobi whom she trusts. CryptoNinja Chacters Application Guidelines Application period February 1 to 10, at 23:59 JST Voting period February 11 to 14, 2023 Announcement of results Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Prize The winners will receive two NFTs (talisman or KATASHIRO in Japanese), allowing them to BurNin' for the new character. The maximum number of entries per person is limited to three; those who submit four or more ideas will invalidate the prize, even if they win. Application Regulations *The name must be an original idea of the entrant and unpublished. *The copyrights to the submitted names belong to the management (Bucket Inc). *The adopted name will be used in various ways, including commercial use, following CryptoNinja's rules. The named applicant may not claim any rights regarding the use of the name.

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